Project Mission: Revitalize Caper Acres Playground to continue capturing the imagination of children for generations to come.
Our Beginning
Caper Acres has been a Chico tradition since its opening in 1970. Years of energetic use, an unforgiving climate, and a series of unfortunate events have led to the need for a renovation. But, a simple face lift wouldn't do. The creative minds of Chico children coupled with the talent of local landscape architects have resulted in the innovative Caper Acres Master Plan approved in 2014. The last few years have been spent fundraising and Spring of 2017 marks the beginning of Phase 1. Let the fun begin!
Bird House - Caper Acres Chico, CA
The Project
Caper Acres has had a tough run since its last remodel in the mid-90s. This master plan represents a combination of upgrading old equipment, long awaited maintenance to the site and infrastructure, replacing run-down or destroyed buildings (Crooked House) and bringing the playground to a new and exciting level for generations to enjoy.
To complete this project in a timely manner for our community to enjoy, we need you. We will need help with materials, labor, and monetary donations to complement City funds. Visit our project page to view the phases - what to expect, needs and progress.
Photo courtesy of Skawalker via Flickr
Get Involved
Caper Acres needs you! The faster we raise money and the more in-kind donations of materials and labor we receive, the quicker we'll reach completion. If you have an organization or group, sign up for a workday. Short on time? Donate. We appreciate every penny! Looking for an activity? Take part in one of the fundraising events. Caper Acres is a Chico landmark beloved by generations. New opportunities to get involved are happening all the time. Click below to stay informed. Thank you, Chico!